True Success


My Great Grandfather was an entrepreneur and he was the first in the family to to leave the farm. Although he was quite successful, his true success was found in during a time of tragedy.

He was a survivor of the worst flood that Johnstown, Pennsylvania ever had. This was back in the 1800’s, long before the Red Cross came to be. At that time neighbors came to the aid of neighbors. So many in this community had lost everything and he wanted to help, so he invited people from the area whose homes and livelihood were destroyed to his property. During this time, he provided for thousands of people and served them food from an outdoor fireplace. He was an amazing man!


The photos and stories in Brown Bag Letter are synchronized. To preserve personal history, my hope is that the anonymous photo and story from a different family will keep the stories of our past vibrant and not allow these folks to fade away.

Please visit my other Blog: Down to Earth Positive –a blog of stories celebrating positivity in everyday life!

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